News & Articles

Yoga Therapy for Knees
Most knee problems are caused by a lack of alignment of the feet, ankles, knees and hips. In all cases we align our knees with mild yoga practices. We focus on strengthening the arches and ankles with small daily movements, on the stretching of hamstrings and of the abductors, and on the strengthening of the […]

Yoga Therapy for Pelvis
The pelvis is reflected in our soles. The sitting bones are mirrored in the heels and the iliac bones on the big toe. When the heels come in and the fingers out, the abdomen weakens, the hips come closer while the abductors, hamstrings and hip flexors shorten / lock. The opposite also happens but less […]

Yoga Therapy for the Lower Back
The yoga therapy strategy depends on the patients’ condition, whether they need relief from pain, recovery or strengthening and alignment. Whatever the problem is in the lower back and based on the severity and physical condition of the patient. In yoga therapy: 1. We relieve with deep exhalation through the belly. The Vagus Nerve, the […]

Yoga Therapy and Trauma
By helping a person safely learn to contain his/her powerful sensations, emotions and impulses without becoming overwhelmed, it is the way of trauma. As they learn to feel in the absence of fear, trauma’s grip is loosened, and equilibrium is restored. The awareness of bodily sensations is critical in changing functional and emotional states. That is why yoga nidra is so important. […]

Yoga Therapy and Mental Health
In Yoga Therapy Greece we use and recommend these tools besides, tailor made asana with pranayama practices, personalized meditation and yoga nidra: 1. Consider what nourishes and what doesn’t in order to do more the things that nourish us. We can make a list of them. 2. Write in one sentence what bothers us. Write 3 […]

Yoga Therapy for Immunity
Yoga can greatly help in strengthening the lymphatic and, by extension, the immune system by inhalation through the chest and lifting the legs, opening the arms as well as with inversions dynamic or restorative like the posture of viparita karani. In Ayurveda for a strong immunity the proper functioning of all vayus is needed and the opposite appears to a weak vyana vayu. We […]

Yoga Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis
We in Yoga Therapy Greece, pay a lot on attention to personalized yoga therapy practices that are based on each unique patient’s movement, postural and breathing assessment. Still, there are some practices that are common to most of the patients with Multiple Sclerosis. 1. Micromovements in extremities, like toes & fingers 2. Restorative postures that […]

Yoga Therapy for Endocrine System
For any kind of endocrine disorders and especially in the case of low secretion, relaxation is highly recommended to reduce stress, breath centred gentle movement, breathing exercises, chanting, meditation, yoga nidra, body touch and especially in the area where they face the issue. When we need to stimulate the activation of the gland, we bring […]

Yoga Therapy for Cardiovascular Conditions
In Yoga Therapy Greece, we have a big experience with cardiorespiratory conditions, and we handle them with safety and great responsibility. We focus on:

Yoga Therapy for Bronchiectasis
Bronchiectasis describes the widening and inflammation of the airways of either a part or the whole of the lungs. This prevents effective mucus clearance, which then increases the chances of further infection and inflammation. Smaller airways suffer from thickening and stenosis due to inflammation and this leads to dyspnoea. Repeated infections in the airways and […]

Research on Benefits of Yoga in Breast Cancer Patients
THE EFFECTS OF YOGA PRACTIES ON BREAST CANCER PATIENTS By EVI DIMITRIADOU, CERTIFIED YOGA THERAPIST, RYT-500 Through this Research Article Review I would like to share the effects of yoga practices primarily on physical health such as immunity, inflammation and secondarily on musculoskeletal symptoms, fatigue and vitality in Breast Cancer Survivors (people who have concluded their […]

Pictures from the Summer Workshops in Gavdos 31.7-5.8 & 7.8-12.8.2017
The two 6 days workshops were both a great success. 11 people came to the southern tip of Europe to one of the most remote islands in Greece. They dedicated 30 hours from their holidays in the amazing island of Gavdos in order to learn how to recognize muscular imbalances, help people gain their body […]