News & Articles

Yoga Therapy for Balance and Osteoporosis
Based on our experience working with numerous people facing Osteoporosis issues, we are pleased to share some information and yoga tools that you might find helpful. Of course, every person is unique, and this is we know very well in yoga therapy, where based on the individual’s needs, energy level, body, breathing pattern, character, lifestyle […]

Review of Research on Yoga Tools such as guided relaxation, slow breathing and positive affirmations
In Yoga Therapy Greece we combine the ancient yoga wisdom and the evidence informed practices suggested by research. Critically evaluating the latest and most robust research articles, we are happy to share a small summary of them hoping that you will find it interesting to read and a help to understand the effectiveness of yoga […]

A review of research on daily yoga exercise on pain, catastrophizing, and sleep amongst individuals with fibromyalgia
In Yoga Therapy Greece we combine the ancient yoga wisdom and the evidence informed practices suggested by research. Critically evaluating the latest and most robust research articles, we are happy to share a small summary of them hoping that you will find it interesting to read and a help to understand the effectiveness of yoga […]

Yoga for Asthma, a Cochrane review, the highest quality research article
In Yoga Therapy Greece we combine the ancient yoga wisdom and the evidence informed practices suggested by research. Critically evaluating the latest and most robust research articles, we are happy to share a small summary of them hoping that you will find it interesting to read and a help to understand the effectiveness of yoga […]

A review of a study into the ‘Effectiveness of Yoga for Hypertension’
In Yoga Therapy Greece we combine the ancient yoga wisdom and the evidence informed practices suggested by research. Critically evaluating the latest and most robust research articles, we are happy to share a small summary of them hoping that you will find it interesting to read and a help to understand the effectiveness of yoga […]

Stress, Autoimmune Conditions & Physical Activity
Stress Stress affects every aspect of our body and brain and although its effects are partly mediated by powerful corticosteroid hormones that target the nervous system, its long-term effect is highly related with the explosion in Autoimmune as well as a big increase in Mental Health Conditions. What is Stress ? A stressor can be […]

Why Yoga Therapy is in such huge demand? – what to look for in a good Yoga Therapy Training.
Yoga therapy is the traditional personal way of yoga given by a highly knowledgeable yogi as a holistic way of self-care and well being. In our times, the field of yoga therapy is expanding fast due to the huge scientific evidence of the therapeutic effects of yoga, the increase of the chronic conditions and the need to […]

What is Yoga Therapy? – What is a Yoga Therapist? – How do you learn yoga therapy and become a certified yoga Therapist?
Yoga Therapy according to the IAYT (International Association of Yoga Therapists) is the professional application of the principles and practices of yoga to promote health and well-being within a therapeutic relationship that includes personalized assessment, goal setting, lifestyle management, and yoga practices for individuals or small groups. While Yoga is an ancient practice of harmonizing the […]

Tai Chi for Parkinson, Cardiovascular & Stroke Rehabilitation
Tai Chi for Parkinson Disease Parkinson disease (PD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that is prevalent in 1% of subjects 65 years of age or older, and an increasing appearance suggests that in 2020, there will be more than 40 million people in the world with movement disorders because of PD. 1 Its pathogenesis is […]

How the clinical application of Yoga Therapy can help with Strokes and Traumatic Brain Injury
Evi Dimitriadou, presents the rehabilitation she undertook for 6 months and for four hours a day with a patient after a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Traumatic Brain Injury and Stroke have very similar rehabilitation guidelines we hope that this article can show you how much the clinical application of yoga therapy can help. Although research articles suggest that continued […]

What is Yoga Therapy ?
Yoga Therapy is the design and learning of a personalized Yoga practice based on the needs and priorities of the person concerned. Yoga Therapy safely guides the change they want to make, reducing what they do not want (mental or physical pain) and acquiring what they need (strength, alignment, joy). Yoga Therapy is for people […]

Yoga Therapy for Feet
The alignment of the foot and the distribution of weight on the foot affect the alignment and the flow of energy to the knees, hips, waist. The first joint that is directly affected by the feet and more specifically by the arches is the knees. At Yoga Therapy Greece we recognize the cause of the […]