Yoga Therapy for Bronchiectasis

Bronchiectasis describes the widening and inflammation of the airways of either a part or the whole of the lungs. This prevents effective mucus clearance, which then increases the chances of further infection and inflammation. Smaller airways suffer from thickening and stenosis due to inflammation and this leads to dyspnoea.
Repeated infections in the airways and the lungs are the norm and therefore there are common symptoms such as fever or general fatigue, persistent cough and excessive production of phlegm.
People with certain pre-existing genetic conditions, such as cystic fibrosis or COPD, severe asthma or other lung disease and a lot of stress, may also develop Bronchiectasis.
Lung drainage is necessary on a daily basis. Removing the phlegm is assisted with practices that initially open the chest and reverse the torso. More specifically we start with lifting and opening hands, we proceed with back bends and twists and finally with forward bends. If they can do a longer practice, we repeat the sequence with stronger practices. If they are too tired, we do the same thing with restorative practices only. The breathing exercises focus first on strengthening the exhalation and then the inhalation.