IAYT Accredited Yoga Therapy Training 815 hour 2023-2025
u003cbru003eu003cbru003eYear 1 – (350 hours) 4th to 22nd of August 2023 18 days residential in Greece followed by online webinars and full individual 1 to 1 support throughout the following year. Registered for Yoga Alliance certification.rnu003cbru003eu003cbru003eOur 1st year 350 hours Yoga Therapy training is a complete program in where you as a yoga instructor receive a deep foundation. You will learn everything you need to know about applying Yoga Tools in order to give Yoga Therapy safely in 1 to 1 Yoga therapy sessions and work therapeutically with groups.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eOptional Year 2 – (465 hours) 23rd of June to 6th of July 2024 13 days Residential in Greece followed by online webinars, online weekends, further mentoring and tutorial support throughout the year.

If you want to Master Yoga Therapy Join Yoga Therapy Greece
Our IAYT Accredited Yoga Therapy Training 815 hours is for Yoga Teachers who are committed to learn Yoga Therapy, want to attain the Highest Certificate in Yoga Therapy globally and become professional IAYT Certified Yoga Therapists.
Our Yoga Therapy Training Program
Our Yoga Therapy program teaches a whole person approach to health and promotes complementary integrative health and well-being, making it suitable for existing health professionals, as well as those wishing to deepen in yoga.
This high-quality Yoga Therapy Training takes place as 2 programs: Year 1 of 350 hours and Year 2 of 465 hours.
18 days Residential Training in Greece and 10 Webinars
Year 1 starts with 18 days residential at the very beautiful Helydorea Zen Retreat in Greece from the 4th to 22nd of August 2023 and continues with 10 webinars spread over 10 months with ongoing personal mentoring and tutorial support over the internet for the practicum and assignments.
13 days Residential Training in Greece, 10 Webinars and 9 online weekends
Optional Year 2 starts again with the 13 days residential at the Helydorea Zen Retreat in Greece from 23rd of June to 6th of July 2024, followed by 10 webinars and 9 online weekends, plus the ongoing tutorial support and mentored practicum that prepare students to become excellent Certified Yoga Therapists.
The program in greater detail
Module 1
Methodology of Yoga Therapy I
We introduce ways:
Every morning we have a group yoga therapy practice.
Module 2
Yoga for Structural Conditions I
We learn:
6th day- Free day for swimming in the clear blue water of Sykia, Xylokastro in Peloponnese.
Module 3
Yoga for the Nervous System and Mental Health
We learn how:
Module 4
Yoga for Women’s Health & Men’s Health
We learn how:
Module 5
Yoga for Medical Conditions & Ethical Principles
We share the function and the most common health conditions of the cardiorespiratory, endocrine, digestive and immune systems, and how Yoga can affect them. We will focus on:
Module 6
No daily schedule defined
Module 7
Goodbye day
No daily schedule defined
Module 8
The First year Webinars
Immediately after the 15 days residential we start the 10 live webinars of 6 hours each (60 hours in total for the first year). We share one webinar every month, where we present with powerpoint and explain 2 case studies with real clients that have had yoga therapy of 4 sessions each given by the director of the studies and leading instructor. A recording is then available for a month for students to review in their own time.
Most of webinars take place on Saturdays 15.00 – 21.00 Greek time.
{These times are to facilitate our American students.}
(Please see frequently asked questions below regarding not being able to attend some webinars.)
No daily schedule defined
Module 9
The Practicum – Mentoring & Tutorial Support
The 88 hours practicum starts with the 3 case studies that count for 18 hours practicum, while the remaining 70 hours are also mentored.
For every case study you see your own clients (friends or relatives) a total of 4 sessions each. The 1st case study being for structural conditions, the 2nd one for a mental health or women’s health issue and the 3rd one for a medical condition. After the 2nd case study, you can start the 70 hours more independent but still mentored practicum where you work with individuals or groups.
You are supported throughout the year for the 88 hours practicum with 18 hours of personal 1 to 1 mentoring through emails and online meetings as well as 8 hours of personal tutorial support based on your assessments and the assignments.
To progress to year 2 students must have completed the assignments and assessments but may complete the practicum in year 2.
No daily schedule defined
Module 1
Welcome Day
Module 2
Methodology of Yoga Therapy II
We deepen in breathing, in yoga philosophy of change, and in motivational interviewing. We refine through role playing students skills of intake, assessments, restorative yoga and modifications of tools by recognizing people’s needs in different bodies and personalities.
Module 3
Yoga Therapy for Structural Conditions II
We share the physiology, the biomechanics, the biomedical knowledge and the yoga therapy tools for more complicated conditions regarding the body in the spine, hips, knee, feet etc as well as spine fusions and hips/knee replacement.
Module 4
Free Day
Free day for swimming at the clear blue waters of Aegean Sea.
Module 5
Yoga Therapy for Nervous System
In this module we review the Nervous System, and we share deep knowledge on how to support through yoga therapy people with Neurological Conditions such as Brain Injury, Tumour, Stroke & Seizures, people having Chronic Pain in more complicated conditions such as CRPS and Myofascial Syndrome
Module 6
Yoga Therapy & Yoga Philosophy for Mental Health
In this module we go deeper in the function of the mind, the conditions of the mind and the ways to establish a sattvic mind as well as ways for becoming the best version of you, moving from svabhava to svarupa- the philosophical orientation of Yoga Therapy Greece training.
We share Yoga Therapy for Trauma, for neurodivergent people, for ADHD, for Mental Health Conditions such as Bipolar disorder, Obsessive – Compulsive Disorders and Schizophrenia, for changing habits, Addictions and Eating Disorders
Module 7
Free Day
Free day for swimming at the clear blue waters of Aegean Sea.
Module 8
Yoga Therapy for Special Groups
We share knowledge and experience in offering yoga therapy to Children and Adolescents, to Older People, and practices for towards the End of Life.
Module 9
Goodbye day
No daily schedule defined
Module 10
The 2nd year Webinars and Online Weekends
Immediately after the 2nd residential we start the 10 live webinars of 6 hours each, 8 online weekends of 14 hours each.
The last 5 webinars are the webinars where the students present in a power point one of their 2nd year case studies as their final project.
All webinars take place on Sundays 15.00 – 21.00 Greek time.
All online weekends take place for 7 hours 15.00 – 22.00 each day Greek time.
{These times are to facilitate our students from America}
A recording is then available for a month for students review in their own time.
Module 11
The 2nd Year Practicum – Mentoring & Tutorial Support
The practicum of the second year consists of 98 hours out of which 30 hours are for the 3 mentored case studies and the yoga therapy in a group of your preference and the presentation of the work in a power point.
For this 98 hour practicum, there is a total of 12 hours personal mentorship through zoom meetings and emails.
In addition, for the second year there are 22 hours of tutorial support.
8 hours being for personal tuition (based on your assignments, the webinars, the weekends and the module assessments) and 14 hours for the online ‘Make Up Weekend’ where a variety of topics are covered as deemed necessary.
Please note that all mentoring hours are given only within the 2 years of studies.
No daily schedule defined
15 Good Reasons to join our IAYT
Accredited Yoga Therapy Training Program
u003cstrongu003eOur visionu003c/strongu003e is to give the best Yoga Therapy Training possible and our graduates to be proud of their choice to study with us. u003cstrongu003eOur philosophyu003c/strongu003e is to empower our students to become u003cstrongu003ethe best versionu003c/strongu003e of themselves and for them to do the same for their clients, to facilitate their transformation from svabhava to their svarupa. By exploring the yogic tools for yourself through the assignments and by developing the most appropriate yoga therapy practice for you with personal guidance you transform to the best version of you and you gain faith in the power of yoga therapy to change lives.
You will u003cstrongu003efly/travel only twiceu003c/strongu003e to Greece in summer 2023 and 2024 for the two residentials. You will learn yoga therapy under the u003cstrongu003eclear blue skyu003c/strongu003e and you can immerse in the clear u003cstrongu003eblue of the Mediterranean Sea.u003c/strongu003e
Through the monthly webinars and through the assignments, case studies and practicum you learn how this knowledge is applied in practice and how to apply all the tools on yourself and to your clients. At the same time you will be fully u003cstrongu003esupportedu003c/strongu003e with personal one to one supervision and tutorial guidanceu003cstrongu003e throughout the 2 yearsu003c/strongu003e for your personal and professional development. We believe this gives our training u003cstrongu003ethe best value you can find.u003c/strongu003e
We sincerely share deep knowledge and huge experience integrating u003cstrongu003eYoga Therapy, Viniyoga (u003c/strongu003eKrishnamacharya lineage), u003cstrongu003eTantra Yoga, Iyengar Restorative Yogau003c/strongu003e, Personalized u003cstrongu003eYoga Nidra u0026amp; Meditation, Psychology, Neuroscience,u003c/strongu003e the latest evidence-based practices through u003cstrongu003eResearch, Physiotherapyu003c/strongu003e, Yoga Therapy for u003cstrongu003eScoliosis and chronic painu003c/strongu003e.
This unique integration is shared with passion by u003cstrongu003ethe leading instructor Evi Dimitriadouu003c/strongu003e who is an experienced C-IAYT, who with the eyes of a yoga therapist concluded studies in Physiotherapy and in the Schroth method for scoliosis and is concluding a master’s in Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health at King’s College, London.
Due to this unique integration and huge experience in physical and mental health, our graduates are able to deliver safely and effectively yoga therapy in u003cstrongu003e1-2-1 and groups, for structural, mental health, women’s health and medicalu003c/strongu003e conditions and symptoms.
Unlike other programs we emphasize learning face to face and not entirely online in order for you to better learn the ways to observe, understand and work with peoples unique bodies, minds, breathing patterns, learning how to make them feel safe, able to rest and engage in a self-care practice.
You will learn how to build a therapeutic relationship, how to give a motivational interview, how to ‘see’ people holistically, how to build personalized yoga therapy practices based on people’s goals and needs, using u003cstrongu003epostural/movementu003c/strongu003e and breathing observations, as well as all theu003cstrongu003e Yoga and Ayurveda principlesu003c/strongu003e such as koshas, gunas, doshas vayus, choosing, incorporating and u003cstrongu003emodifying all yoga tools such as asanas, pranayamas, chanting, yoga nidras, meditation, etc. u003c/strongu003e
Every morning of the residential we practice group yoga therapy practices relative to the theme of the day. This means you take away with you more than u003cstrongu003e30 groupu003c/strongu003e u003cstrongu003e/ individual sequencesu003c/strongu003e that can be used for u003cstrongu003eyour own workshops. u003c/strongu003e
Observation and Explanation of u003cstrongu003elive Yoga Therapies in front of you.u003c/strongu003e
u003cstrongu003ePresentation and explanation of 20 case studiesu003c/strongu003e with 20 different conditions through the webinars.
u003cstrongu003eFilm recordingsu003c/strongu003e are available of the online element of the trainingu003cstrongu003e for a monthu003c/strongu003e to enable students to go back over material and get the best from our teaching.
You receive two well prepared u003cstrongu003eManuals ofu003c/strongu003e aboutu003cstrongu003e 450 and 250 pages for the 1st and the 2nd yearu003c/strongu003e respectively to refer to and to support you for years.
u003cstrongu003eA well selected Reading listu003c/strongu003e that will further empower you as a professional Yoga Therapist.
You will be guided and u003cstrongu003esupported in making your professional dreamsu003c/strongu003e true as a Yoga Therapist while we are always available to mentor you as you progress in your career as a C-IAYT Yoga Therapist.
Some Moments

Meet the Leading Instructor

Evi Dimitriadou
Tuition Fees & Refund Policy
Please note – In order to give the best possible support and supervision places are limited to ONLY 16 PEOPLE.
Special offer on tuition fees for Year 1 for those who book before the end of June 2023.
Tuition, Fees and Refund policy
Tuition Rates (Year 1 and optional Year 2 giving a total 815 hours)
The tuition fee for each year covers all tuition, the webinars, the comprehensive manual, handouts, all scheduled personal mentoring, personal tutorial support, detailed feedback on your assignments and case studies, the issuing of the certification (upon satisfactory completion of all criteria) and in the residential training yoga mats and props.
- Printing of the electronically issued students’ handbook, manual
- Lunches
- Flights or Travel Insurance
- Transfers from and to the airport (although shared rides among participants are facilitated where possible).
- Final registration with the International Association of Yoga Therapy for C – IAYT
Year 1
TUITION 350 hours full price is
Special offer for TUITION
*if register before the end of June 2023
PLUS, cost of 18 days Accommodation, with 18 breakfasts and 18 dinners
Please note these prices do not include lunch.
{Please note ~ there are a limited number of each type of room. So, we recommend registering early}
Optional Year 2 in 2024
Special offer tuition for the 2nd Year of
for those that register before the end of January 2024
PLUS, cost of 13 days accommodation, with 13 breakfasts and 13 dinners.
Optional Year 2 Registering and paying the fees for year 2 are paid after the completion of year 1.
Payment will be in a similar manner to year 1, with 25%, 25% and a final 50% on arrival in Greece.
Payment Plan u0026 Cancellation Policyu003cbru003e (For those booking before the end of June 2023)
First Payment
u003cbu003eTo book a place 25% of the tuition fee u0026 accommodationu003c/bu003e is paid via bank transfer, PayPal or credit card once the registration is approved
In Twin Room – Deposit for Tuition + Accommodation
In Single room – Deposit for Tuition + Accommodation
In Twin suite – Deposit for Tuition + Accommodation
Second Payment
u003cbu003eDue by the end of May 2023u003c/bu003e 25% of the tuition fee u0026 accommodation
In Twin room – Deposit for Tuition + Accommodation
In Single room – For Tuition + Accommodation
In Twin suite – For Tuition + Accommodation
Final Payment
u003cbu003eDue at the start of the Residential in August 2023 u003c/bu003e50% of the tuition fee u0026 accommodation
In Twin room – For Tuition + Accommodation
In Single room – For Tuition + Accommodation
In Twin suite – For Tuition + Accommodation
To Conclude
In total, the 2 years 815-hour Yoga Therapy Training Program consists of:

By the end of our program you will be among the few that have the highest Diploma in Yoga Therapy

What Our Students Say!

Dear Evi & Brian
Thank you so much for this experience diving deep into therapeutic aspects of yoga. It has always been a dream for me to become a Yoga Therapist, and through this residential you have given me so much inspiration and belief that my dream can become a reality. Yoga has helped me so much and particularly this residential has shown me how powerful it can be. I am excited to share all the tools I have learned here and to help others in their healing process. I really enjoyed the power of the breath and pranayama, and how each element of yoga can relate to any type of disease in the body and mind. Much love and gratitude.

I am so lucky to join your Yoga Therapy Diploma. I have been dreaming of taking this diploma for 5 years and you made my dreams come true. The information and knowledge shared is beyond my expectations. I will always remember Evi’s sense of humour and how she makes it simple and easy. Thankyou Evi and Brian for all your efforts and support during the residential. Love and Light

Evi Dimitriadou is a passionate and dedicated Yoga Therapist and Yoga Therapy Teacher. Her Yoga Therapy Training is really a value for money course, for anyone who would like to deepen his/her knowledge in utilizing Yoga as a healing modality. I highly recommend Evi, either as a Yoga Therapist or as a trainer in Yoga Therapy, for her professional skills, knowledge and integrity and I am really very happy for being part of her Yoga Therapy Training Group. Thank you Evi for all this valuable info you have shared so far with all of us!

I recommend Yoga Therapy Greece with all of my heart. Evi is such an experienced, knowledgeable, passionate, kind and loving teacher. She meets you right where you are and guides you with much love and knowledge through the studies. You learn so much, and the supervisions makes it feel safe to start practicing with clients.
Still have questions?
We have the answers!
When you enrol you are only committing to Year 1 so you can decide as the course progresses if you would like to continue to complete the 815 hours training or just complete the 350 hours of Year 1. We recommend you take advantage of the early bird prices by giving a deposit for the second year by January 2024.
Yes. You will need to have completed the 200 hours of a Yoga Teacher Training programme and have one year’s experience. If you are unsure please get in touch.
Following completion of the First year 18 days of training, (in summer 2023) it takes about 12 months to complete the webinars, assignments, case studies and rest of practicum. So, you will graduate in summer 2024 for the 350 hours yoga therapy training. For the Yoga Therapy Training 815 hours you will graduate in September 2025. Graduation being dependant on completion to a pass standard the required coursework. Students must have also completed the required number of attendance hours.
Up to 30 hours can be missed from the Synchronous Distance Learning, although students must view the recording and complete the assessment for each topic missed.
u003culu003ern tu003cliu003e~ By concluding the 1st year training, you will take the Advanced Teacher Training Certificate for Yoga Alliance titled ‘Adapting Yoga for Everyone’ which you can then add to your 200 hour certificate to register with Yoga Alliance as a 500-hour Yoga Teacher – RYT-500.u003c/liu003ern tu003cliu003eThe certification of the 350 hours Yoga Therapy Training issued is not accredited by any association or board. The 350 hours Yoga Therapy Greece Training forms part of the Yoga Therapy Training 815 hours.u003c/liu003ern tu003cliu003eThe 815 hours training is accredited by IAYT. (https://www.iayt.org/). Once you have completed the 815 hours accredited training you are then eligible to apply to IAYT to take their multiple choice exam (for which you will be fully prepared) and achieve full C-IAYT.u003c/liu003ernu003c/ulu003e
IAYT has extremely high standards and accredits only a minimum 815 hours training.
In this case we can issue a Certificate of Attendance with the number of hours concluded only. However, we highly recommend that you complete all of the course as the assignments, case studies and practicum are a large part of the learning process, especially considering the personal mentoring that that you will receive. You also will lose the possibility of using this 350 hour training as a foundation of the 815 hour training.
Then you will be issued 262 hours of certification of attendance.
The personal supervision takes place through emails and online meetings. As soon as you send your clients completed Yoga Therapy questionnaire or practices you will get an email with guidelines and then we meet one to one online where we will explain the rationale and establish practices together. After the evaluation of your case study summary/write up, you will also receive feedback as supervision.
In total you will have 10 assignments well spread in the 2 years training. For every assignment you get detailed feedback as tutorial support for your personal and professional development.
Upon completion of the 350-hour Yoga Therapy Training you can have your own private Yoga Therapy Clinic and give 1-2-1 sessions or work with therapeutic groups. Our graduates also work in Yoga Studios or in a complimentary capacity in health care centres, physiotherapy centres, and community centres in collaboration with homoeopathists, physiotherapists, psychotherapists, nutritionists etc. But you would have to check your countries specific requirements for certain health care jobs.
You are then welcome to join us the following year to complete your training. But unfortunately, we cannot refund the accommodation costs or the tuition.
For lunch the local tavern offers a reasonable priced option of a light snack/lunch. Alternatively before you arrive you can buy fruits, bread, nuts etc.
In addition to the ‘what is not included’ list above a student must buy their own study materials and have access to a computer or tablet with a good internet connection. You need to be able to convert documents to PDF.rnYou might need to print the manual sent to you in advance of the residential training in order for you to read it and be better prepared for the training. You will require about €60-80 for two books for your assignments.