News & Articles
Περσα yoga
Μετά από μια περιπέτεια υγείας (βαριάς μορφής οσφυαλγία), η οποία με καθήλωσε το κρεβάτι για διάστημα τουλάχιστον 3 μηνών και μετά από τις συμβουλές και τις παρεμβάσεις ειδικών γιατρών, η κατάσταση μου ισορρόπησε. Ωστόσο, πριν από περίπου έξι μήνες, υποτροπίασα με ήπια οσφυαλγία-ισχιαλγία. Τότε, απευθύνθηκα στην κα Δημητριάδου Εύη (δασκάλα Yoga), όπου μετά από πολύ […]
Μάρα yoga
Άρχισα μαθήματα θεραπευτικής γιόγκα με την Εύη Δημητριάδου νιώθοντας έντονη αυχενική δυσκαμψία και “πιάσιμο” σε όλη την περιοχή δεξιάς και αριστερής ωμοπλάτης λόγω καθιστικής εργασίας και πολύωρης χρήσης υπολογιστή… Η Εύη εστίασε στην προβληματική περιοχή με απλές και πολύ αποτελεσματικές ασκήσεις που έμαθα να τις εκτελώ και μόνη μου καθημερινά. Μέσα σε λίγα μαθήματα η […]
Persa Yo
After a serious health problem (an immobilizing back pain and severe sciatica), which kept me in bed for at least three months with the advice and help of specialized doctors, my situation was balanced. However, about six months ago a mild lumbago-sciatica recurred again. At that time I asked for Ms Evi Dimitriadou’s Yoga therapy […]
Judith yoga
I started yoga therapy with Evi due to problems in my lower back, neck and with arthritis. Smiling Evi welcomes everybody with warmth that makes you feel instantly pleased. She has showed me simple exercises in a very understandable way. She has given me the yoga postures sequence written down to enable me to repeat […]
Georgia yoga
Yoga therapy… or yoga …There cannot be a big the difference most people say. But in reality it is a huge difference. Based on my personal experience, yoga therapy focuses on each individual personally and Evi does it with love and respect for any diversity! Evi is amazing and unique in making you feel good. […]
Mara Yoga
I started private yoga therapy sessions with Evi Dimitriadou since I was feeling an intense tension in my neck and a severe grip across the left and right shoulder due to sedentary work and long hours of computer use. Evi , focusing in my health issue, came up with simple and very effective practices that […]
Mimika yoga
I knew even before starting Yoga Therapy that it would have many obvious advantages since it specifically targets each person health issue without worries for further damages in systems that are already challenged. Through alignment it brings the body to balance again and reestablish the lost feeling of wellbeing again. The disadvantages for some people […]
eva- yoga
I accidentally found out about the yoga therapy after I had a serious shoulder injury falling in the bath. When I met Evi Dimitriadou, I realized to my surprise that the yoga therapy can successfully help a host of problems. Since then it really became part of my life for good. The benefits are much […]
Fratzeska yoga
The reason I went to Evi was the lower back pain and the aches around most of the bones due to overall osteoarthritis. I only did three sessions with her and I truly felt relieved regarding my arthritis and aches at my lower back. I feel much better whenever I do the exercises she has […]
Natasa yoga
Wanting to try something new, I started yoga therapy with Evi! What a surprise was, when I realized that I did not breathe properly. But I know now! What I gained is: my neck is not stiff anymore and of course I feel joy and peace every time I practice.
Pentelis – Yoga
I enjoy the peace and positive energy of the place. I find that the exercises help a lot to recover. Above all, the knowledge, the character and the overall behavior of Evi make her an excellent therapist and I am grateful to her.
Maria P – yoga page
My name is Maria P.It was in 2000 when I was diagnosed with bronchiectasis. It is a very serious lung disease. It is like a chronic bronchitis with continuous inflammations in the lungs. Every two months I was getting cold and I was seriously infected in my lungs. I had fever and I needed to […]