
The Importance of How We Breath

The Breath Breath should not only be an unconscious act. It can be a force, a medicine and a mechanism to gain inner power, to preserve and establish physical or mental health, longevity and even reach higher levels of consciousness. The lung capacity seems to be the greatest indicator of life span in combination with the diet, […]

Yoga Therapy for Anxiety Articles

Yoga Therapy for Anxiety

In Yoga Therapy for anxiety, we focus on breathing deeply and slowly ideally through the abdomen to enhance grounding and safety (unless otherwise indicated) enhancing the exhalation with humming, with pursed lips exhalation, with inhaling through both nostrils and exhaling through one, by chandra bedhana inhaling through the left and exhaling through the right.  We […]


Mental Health and Yoga (with an example of Yoga Therapy for Depression)

In our training we go into great depth regarding the different aspects of mental health from both a scientific (neuroscience and psychology) and a traditional yoga perspective, as well as what we as Yoga Therapists can do to help. Here is just a small extract from our IAYT Accredited Yoga Therapy Training manual relating to […]

Yoga therapy training Articles

Designing Yoga Therapy Sessions

In this extract from our Yoga Therapy Greece first year training manual we discuss what is yoga therapy, how does yoga differ from yoga and what does a yoga therapy session consist of. We of course throughout our training go into all these elements in a lot greater depth, detail, with theory, practice and a […]


Attention, Conscious Awareness and Consciousness       

This essay is an opportunity to share the definitions of some terms we use in our daily life, in yoga, in yoga therapy trainings and in giving yoga therapy without really knowing what they mean. Attention Attention is considered a selective mechanism of information and core of cognitive functions through which stimuli become conscious aware. […]


Osteoporosis is dodgy

It has no symptoms, although it may have been developing for many years, deeply, in our bones. Suddenly after a fall, forward bend or even turning sides whilst sleeping due to thinned bones, small or debilitating fractures occur. This is what happened to my best friend who at the age of 55, after a turn […]


Case Studies: Real-life Stories of Transformation Through Yoga Therapy

Real life stories of transformation through yoga therapy People come to yoga therapy for a change. People come to yoga therapy asking for a change, either to change the condition/symptom/prevailing state of being or to change the way they see it, the way they perceive it, the way they feel about it. For a change […]


Transfer hours for IAYT Accredited Training

If you have completed other trainings in Yoga Therapy, Advanced Yoga, Ayurveda or related to health professions you may be able to transfer some hours to our 800 hours accredited training. If you wish to do this please contact us with details of your training to see…

Yoga and Yoga Therapy for Cancer Patients Articles

Yoga & Yoga Therapy for every treatment for Cancer

A summary of Evi’s Dimitriadou presentation the British Society of Integrative Oncology on the role of Yoga Therapy to Cancer Patients and survivors given on 6th October 2022. Cancer and Cancer treatment-related side effectsCancer patients and survivors not only experience the disease, but they also sufferfrom cancer treatments’ side effects that may last for years after […]


Effects of Yoga Nidra (guided relaxation) for Breast Cancer Patients

In Yoga Therapy Greece we combine the ancient yoga wisdom and the evidence informed practices suggested by research. Critically evaluating the latest and most robust research articles, we are happy to share a small summary of them hoping that you will find it interesting to read and a help to understand the effectiveness of yoga and how much yoga can offer in the support of cancer patients.


Neurogenesis and Yoga Therapy

Why we need it – how we enhance it and Yoga Therapy Neurogenesis, the formation of new neurons throughout life is a very distinct example of human brain plasticity and maintenance of the central nervous system (Poulose et al., 2017). It takes place in a few brain regions such as the hippocampus (Erickson et al., […]

θεραπευτικη γιογκα αθηνα Articles

Yoga in the Management of Chronic Conditions – A Review of Research

In Yoga Therapy Greece we combine the ancient yoga wisdom and the evidence informed practices suggested by research. Critically evaluating the latest and most robust research articles, we are happy to share a small summary of them hoping that you will find it interesting to read and a help to understand the effectiveness of yoga […]